DEEP VAULT 69 [0.5.0] - Available PUBLICLY Now!

~Hey!^^ We finally made it to the BI-I-IG RELEASE:D

It wasn't easy, but we're here and we're together :3

So, what's new in the game:

▻ Updated "Main Quest" (10+ SFW scenes + alternatives);

▻ Added a quest after the events in the “Main quest” (1 SFW scene);

▻ Added "Mary Go" quest (3 SFW scenes WIP + 1 scene + alternates);

▻ Added new random events in the Wasteland;

▻ Updated Jenny scene (1 scene);

▻ Updated scene with Walker in the “Luna” quest (1 SFW scene);

▻ Updated the world map after the events of the “Main quest”;

▻ Updated location backgrounds: Gibson's store, Mechanical room;

▻ Added an open world location after the main quest events;

▻ Added mechanics: Item Enhancement;

▻ Added mechanic: Game difficulty levels;

▻ Finalized and completed the basis of the "Battle" mechanic;

▻ Completed professional translation of Nikki into English;

▻ Only new content for battles will be added in the future.

▻ Added about 15-20 minutes of quest content;

▻ Added all Resident+ patrons.

With your support, the game is gaining momentum! Thank you for your interest!^^



D.V.69 [0.5.0] - PC 711 MB
19 days ago
D.V.69 [0.5.0] - MAC 707 MB
19 days ago
D.V.69 [0.5.3] FOR PATRONS
19 days ago
D.V.69 [0.5.5] FOR PATRONS
19 days ago
Cheat 0.10-0.5.5.txt 995 bytes
19 days ago
D.V.69 [0.5.0] - ANDROID 727 MB
19 days ago
DEEP_VAULT_69-0.5.0 ANDR 727 MB
13 days ago
DEEP_VAULT_69-0.5.0 MAC 707 MB
13 days ago
DEEP_VAULT_69-0.5.0 PC 711 MB
13 days ago



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How in the fck is the kick mechanic supposed to work??

Whenever I try to go the the storage room at night this happens   How do I fix it?

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How do I find and explore the university in the main quest? I've been in the 4th story location and explored for more than 30 times, is there something I'm doing wrong? Is my intelligence stat too low for me to discover it?

Hi^^ You need to click on car to continue the quest at this point.

Any chance the new version will be able to load save files from the previous versions? Ever since 0.45 I've lost interest since I had to go through that whole sequence with Gibson again in each new version. Would be nice if saves could be compatible with the next updates again.

Hi^^ After version 0.4.9 saves started working in new versions!

Okay thanks, I'll check it out. The skip function was unavailable in each new version so it was a drag to click through the whole sequence again and again.

How to complete the vault 67 main quest 

Hi^^To do this, you need to click on the table in vault 67 on the 1st floor.


*In the coming days, I will read your bug reports and prepare a hot-fix^^

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Finally! A half-way to release? Take my beer, it's awesome!